
COOPER BLACK will collaborate with you to produce original, customised works catering to your brief, OR We can jump in, boots and all, and deliver a bespoke artwork advisory service.

Unlike some of our competitors, we print, manufacture, design and deliver everything from right here, in Australia.

Our hand-selected local and international artists, photographers and graphic designers create constantly-evolving designs, that create excitement and inspirational statements.


Our unique collections vary from bold and edgy, to classical, contemporary and colourful.

Your selection may be made from both limited and open editions, and we are renowned for working closely with Architects and Interior Designers to meet budgetary restrictions.

Our commercial projects include (but are not limited to):

  • Executive and Celebrity Residential Homes
  • Display Homes
  • Apartments
  • Restaurants
  • Hotels and Motels
  • Aged Care Facilities
  • Entertainment Centres
  • Television Programs, and
  • Magazines, and
  • Other Visual Media Streams.

We’re proud to have delivered collections for the likes of………………. (prominent clients or locations). Urban Rd lists Stocklands, etc…

Take Advantage of Our Consultation & In-house Design Service

Our current network of commercial, executive and private clients, around Australia, often have a distinctive concept or plans for their interior design artwork.

We excel at taking those visions and turning them into reality.

Whatever is wowing in current interior design trends will be found amongst our collections, or you can opt to go out on a ledge and find something completely out of the box.

On the other hand, you may not be sure what you want, but rest assured…

View our Products & Services Page
and be inspired by our ability to give you artwork solutions at affordable wholesale prices.

Learn more

What We Do

  • Work from your plans, in a pre-build situation, or visit your premises, either in person or via an online tour platform
  • Help you decide on a theme and/or colour patette
  • Give you a range of optional ideas and/or specifically appropriate pieces
  • Assist you to make decisions that align with your vision
  • Arrange for the hanging of all artworks in their designated display points
  • Produce a master plan that holistically styles your entire space/rooms/building
  • Work with your interior designers, who can hand over your plans to us.  We’ll alleviate their stress and completely curate a theme and layout whilst staying within budget, and/or
  • Procure, Design, Advise, Customise and Deliver exceptional artworks for any project – Large or Small.